The Guildford Development Framework includes Character Assesments of :
However, the Townscape does not include a Streetscape Manual. See Guildford
Most of the Historic Town Centre is within conservation areas. Development within the conservation areas must protect or enhance the character of the conservation area.
However, the streets and pavements are the responsibilty of Surrey County Council and there is no published characyer assessment or policy for the preserving and enhancing the character of the streets within the conservation areas.
This split responsibility is common to many English Historic Market Towns.
English Heritage recommends that this gap be filled by Developing a joint Guildford Borough Council /Surrey County Council Streetscape which can be adopted by both parties.
The Guildford Society has raised the idea of a Streetscape manual at the Local Committee. But currently GBC and SCC are not minded (have no money) to sit down together to develop a Streetscape Manual.
This is an opportunity for the Guildford Society to carry out a "PlaceCheck" to identify and publicise those areas that need attention, with the aim of convincing the public and our councillors that this work is necessary and desirable.
This website brings together some of the main streetscape documents, togrether with examples of Streetscape Manuals from other towns.
The main source document is Streets for All - South East published by English Heritage
They also publish "PlaceCheck" a usefull guide to carrying out a street survey.
The site also contains copies of StreetScape manuals from Bath, Basingstoke, Poole, Salisbury and Southampton.